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Tri-Town Government

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Massachusetts State Primary Results

Democratic Ballot
John F. Kerry271338151
Edward J. O'Reilly12524894
Barney Frank 333 459192
Carol A. Fiola 177 341140
Oliver P. Cipollini, Jr. 156 15362
State Senator
Marc R. Pacheco 309 NANA
Mark C. Montigny NA 465NA
Joan M. Menard NA NA182
Raimundo Delgado NA 83NA
State Representative
William M. Straus 325 484189
Clerk of Courts
Robert S. Greedon, Jr. 273 387175
Register of Probate
Robert E. McCarthy 271 392175
County Treasurer
Thomas J. O'Brien 220 355151
Timothy J. McMullen 79 11748
County Commissioner
John Patrick Riordan 189 265118
Laurie M. Maker 144 19493
Anthony Thomas O'Brien 103 17881
Richard J. Zaccaro 89 11549
Republican Ballot
Jeffrey K. Beatty 988368
Earl H. Sholley 967665
County Treasurer
Edward J. O'Connell 917666
County Commissioner
Ronald K. Davy 90 7663
Total Voters 396 678346
Voter Percentage 12 percent 15 percent10 percent