Frequently Asked Questions
You can find the answers to many of your questions on this page, if you are unable to find an answer you can contact us here.
Our paper is distributed free of charge at local businesses as well as mailed weekly throughout Mattapoisett, Marion, and Rochester. Route distibution includes the tri-towns as well as Fairhaven, Acushnet, New Bedford, and Wareham.
Subscriptions of The Wanderer sent by First Class U.S. Mail is available at the rate of $120 for one year (52 issues) or $60. for six months (26 issues). All costs are for postage only, The Wanderer is a free publication.
Payment for a subscription should be sent along with the complete name and address of subscriber, start date, and whether the subscription is for a new or renewed subscriber.
Send this information to:
The Wanderer, 55 County Road, P.O. Box 102, Mattapoisett, MA 02739
Subscriptions can also be placed on line using the menu bar to the left.
Classified Policy: All Classified Advertisements must be
PREPAID and will not appear until payment is received.
Classified Deadline: Tuesday at 10:00 am for Thursday's paper.
Classified Rates: Classified Advertisements are $8.00 for 3 lines or less per week. Each additional line is $1.00 per week. There are an average of six words per line. Anything is bold is also an additional $1.00 per week.
Classified Guidelines:
*As a general rule there are appoximately six words per line in a standard classified ad.
*Blank Lines can not be used in Classified Advertisements.
*There is only upper case and lower case lettering.
*No Graphics may be used in Classified Ads.
*Classified Ads cannot be placed on hold.
*Classified Ads cannot be taken over the phone.
Payment Policy: All sales final, as we do not offer credits or refunds.
Placing Classified Advertisements On-line: Use the menu on the left to create an account and place classifieds on line.
Mailing Classified Ads: Ads can be mailed with payment to P.O. Box 102, Mattapoisett, MA 02739
Dropping Off Classified Advertisements: Ads can be dropped by our office at 55 County Road in Mattapoisett, Monday, Thursday and Friday, 9am to 3pm, Tuesday 9am-12noon.
Legal Advertisements:
* Legal Ads are $1.00 per line, at a minimum of $25. per ad.
* Conservation Commission Advertisements are $25. per insertion.
Display Deadlines:
All advertising materials are due by 3:00pm on
the Friday prior to the publication date. No advertisements or advertisement
changes will be taken after this deadline.
Display Advertising Costs: Advertising is broken down into two categories:
1. Short Run - Short Run advertising is that which runs for a
limited number of insertions (under 8 continuous insertions)
2. Long Term Ad Rep Account - Advertisements which are committed to running for 8 or more insertions
in a row.
The cost of advertisements is as follows:
All prices are per week.
Black and White
Type | Size | Short Run | Long Term |
Full Page | 7 1/2 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches high |
$255. | $186. |
Half Page Standard | 3 5/8 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches high |
$147. | $105. |
Half Page Wide | 7 1/4 inches wide x 4 3/4 inches high |
$147. | $105. |
Quarter Page Standard | 3 5/8 inches wide x 4 3/4 inches high |
$83. | $60. |
Quarter Page Wide | 7 1/4 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches high |
$83. | $60. |
Eighth Page | 3 5/8 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches high |
$47. | $36. |
Sixteenth Page | 3 5/8 inches wide x 1 1/8 inches high |
$33. | $26. |
Type | Size | Short Run | Long Term |
Full Page | 7 1/2 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches high |
$320. | $251. |
Half Page Standard | 3 5/8 inches wide x 9 1/2 inches high |
$207. | $165. |
Half Page Wide | 7 1/4 inches wide x 4 3/4 inches high |
$207. | $165. |
Quarter Page Standard | 3 5/8 inches wide x 4 3/4 inches high |
$121. | $98. |
Quarter Page Wide | 7 1/4 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches high |
$121. | $98. |
Eighth Page | 3 5/8 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches high |
$63. | $52. |
Sixteenth Page | 3 5/8 inches wide x 1 1/8 inches high |
$49. | $42. |
Client Credit Terms: New clients are required to pre-pay (short term) or pay eight weeks (long term) while their credit is checked. Clients who become delinquent in payments (failure to pay on time repeatedly) will be required to pre-pay, on a weekly basis all advertising in the future.
Billing - Long Term Clients: The client is billed at the end of the month. Payment is net 15 days.
Copy Responsibilities: The Wanderer makes every effort to see that your advertisement contains no errors. However, the responsibility rests with the advertiser. To make corrections easier for the advertiser we offer copy proofs.
Copy Proofs: Copy proofs are available on Monday mornings after 10:00am. The corrected proofs must be returned by noon on Tuesday. All corrections to proofs are for grammar and spelling only. No layout changes may be made after the Friday 3pm deadline. Please request a Proof when submitting copy. If a color proof is required, the deadline for submission of materials is one week prior to regular deadline.
Layout Charges:
There is no charge for basic advertising layouts. Advertisements requiring extensive layout or typesetting will be charged
at a rate of $45. per 15 minutes or time required for production.
When providing digital files to be used in advertising in The Wanderer,
please submit your copy in one of the following formats -- we will NOT be able to use any copy submitted
in a format other than those listed below:
TIF (Tagged Image File) format
These files should be saved as 200 dpi grayscale or 300 dpi line art
PDF (Portable Document Format) files
This type of file should be saved for print or press in grayscale or black & white if printing in Black & White or CYMK color if printing in color.
And for photographs only:
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file
These files should be saved as 200 dpi and black & white files can be grayscale
*If images are saved at a low resolution the digital copy will not reproduce well and look choppy or fuzzy.
Photographs copied off the World Wide Web (WWW) are usually in low resolution and should not be used.
*If images that are to be printed in black & white are saved in color they will be converted to grayscale
which may alter the appearance of the image, to be certain of an images reproduction quality it
should be submitted in grayscale or black & white.
*If a PDF file is saved with any color attributes it will be converted to a TIF file prior to
publication which may alter the intended appearance.
*Images that are formatted improperly may reproduce poorly or not at all.
Submitting digital files:
USB drives may be dropped by our office: A hard copy should accompany the file showing what the image looks like.
The disk should be clearly labeled with the advertiser's name and the file name to be used. If we are unable to
locate the file we will be unable to run the advertisement. Disks can not be returned. We will not be able to check
most files prior to the Friday 3pm deadline. If we are unable to use a file we will not be able to run the advertisement.
To assure your advertisement will run always submit a hard copy that can be used alternately.
Emailed as attached files to The email should be clearly labeled with the advertiser's name,
file name, and contact information. Our email server limits the size of attachments to email files, so if your attachment
is saved as a color file it may be too big to send by email.
Please do not use the name Wanderer in a file name, use the name of the advertiser or an abbreviation of their name.
Although The Wanderer makes every effort to see that each and every advertisement is error free, this is not always the case. Because correcting advertising errors is very simple before the advertisement is printed, we make efforts to catch these errors before they are printed in the final edition.
On all advertisements which appear in The Wanderer the following policy is in place:
The advertiser (person placing an advertisement) is responsible to request and check a proof of the advertisement(s) placed.
The advertiser must return corrected copy by the deadline to be sure corrections are made.
Proofing is for corrections to grammar and spelling only, no additions or layout changes will be accepted.
All copy submitted for typesetting must be typed in black on white paper.
Copy proofs are available in our office on the Monday before publication at 10am, and must be returned to the office by noon on Tuesday.
Copy proofs that are returned late may not be included in corrections.
To be sure that our advertisers have ample opportunity to see their advertisements prior to final printing, we offer proof copies of ads before publication, or if this is not possible, a copy will be available for viewing in our office.
When placing an advertisement, the advertiser should request a proof from the advertising representative and make arrangements to view this proof.
The advertiser should view the proof in The Wanderer office on Monday before publication or request a proof.
The advertiser must return the proof to The Wanderer office before noon on the Tuesday before publication.
Corrections to proofs must be in writing and cannot be taken over the phone.
Error Credit
If an advertiser follows the guidelines for checking a proof, and errors that have been marked are not corrected, The Wanderer will be responsible for crediting the advertiser for advertising costs on the following schedule:
25% of advertisement cost per error not corrected (first week only) to a maximum total of 100% of advertisement cost.
Credits will only be issued for the first publication of said advertisement, after which the client is responsible for reporting all errors to The Wanderer.
All legal ads must be delivered to the office, in person, by mail or e-mail. Prepayment is required on all legal ads prior to the deadline. Legal ads cannot be entered on-line.
Deadline is 10am Tuesday for that week's publication.
The cost is a $25 minimum and $1 for each line after the first 20 per insertion.
Conservation Commission ads are $25.
If you are running a Legal ad that is NOT a Conservation Commission ad, please contact our office at 508-758-9055. We will need to see the ad either in person or by email so that it can be correctly priced. Please plan accordingly to allow time for pricing and payment to occur before the 10am Tuesday deadline.
Any questions regarding date the ad must be published should be addressed to the Town Hall department, i.e. Planning Board, Board of Health etc.
Obituaries can be sent to, for questions call 508-758-9055. There is no cost to run an obituary unless the text is longer than 600 words or the person listed does not have a connection to the Tri-Town. For details please contact our office with questions.
Submission Policy:
The Wanderer gladly accepts any and all
news and press release items from local non-profit organizations for publication
on a weekly basis. The deadline for submission of said items is Monday at 1pm
for publication in that week's edition. Due to the increased number of
submissions, however, publication of press material is never guaranteed. The
Wanderer will make every effort to publish timely news items and announcements as
the subject warrants and as often as spacing allows. All press material must be
submitted in writing -- we cannot accept news items via telephone. Additionally these items can
be emailed to
Photographs of area events and newsmakers are also accepted and encouraged. The
Wanderer accepts well-lit and clearly defined color or black and white
photographs for publication provided they include a brief summary of the event or
subject. Those interested in getting prints returned should make arrangements to
pick them up at our office on the Friday following publication. Like news items,
the deadline for photos is Monday at 1pm and the publication of photographs is
also subject to spacing constraints and therefore cannot be guaranteed.
The views expressed in the "Letters to the Editor" column are not necessarily those of The Wanderer,
its staff or its advertisers. The Wanderer will gladly accept any and all correspondence relating to timely and
pertinent issues in the greater Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester area, provided they include the authors name,
address and phone number for verification. We cannot publish anonymous, unsigned or unconfirmed submissions.
The Wanderer reserves the right to edit, condense, and otherwise alter submissions for purposes of clarity and/or
spacing considerations. The Wanderer also reserves the right to deny publication of any submitted correspondence.
We do not accept letters in favor of or against candidates for political office. All letters must be typed and should be emailed to
Classified Advertising - 10am Tuesday for Thursday Publication (pre-paid)
Display Advertising - 3pm Friday for Thursday Publication (following week)
News and Photographs - Monday for Thursday Publication
Letters to the Editor - 10am Tuesday for Thursday Publication
Legal Advertisements - 10am Tuesday for Thursday Publication (pre-paid)
The Wanderer is published fifty one times per year, once per week,
with the exception of the week of December 25.
Each issue is released on Thursday.
Our office is located at 55 County Road (Route 6), Mattapoisett, MA 02739, U.S.A.
Our mailing address is: The Wanderer, 55 County Road, P.O. Box 102, Mattapoisett, MA 02739, U.S.A.
We are open to the public Monday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 3pm, and Tuesday 9am-12noon, eastern time
Our Phone number is (508) 758-9055
Email contacts can be found here