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Marion Special Town Meeting
October 23, 2017

Click here to see the complete text of the warrant.

Article S1: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury (Free Cash) the sum of $7,900 to be expended under the direction of the Marion Police Dept. to purchase one new speed monitor trailer; or take any other action thereon.

Article S2: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury (Free Cash) the sum of $25,000 for maintenance at town cemeteries to include, but not be limited to, tree removal and replacement, tree maintenance to include stump grinding where necessary, headstone repair, and general landscape improvements; or take any other action thereon.

Article S3: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury (Free Cash) the sum of $105,408 for the purpose of funding the purchase of existing streetlights from Eversource and the conversion of existing streetlights to energy efficient and long lasting LED, same to be spent under the direction of the Town Administrator in consultation with the Energy Management Committee, or take any other action thereon.

Article S4: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the Treasury (Free Cash) the sum of $9,879 to correct the necessary appropriation for the Old Rochester Regional School District Assessment for Fiscal Year 2018 which is as follows: Correct as certified by the Printed in Annual Town; ORR School Committee (3/20/17) Meeting Warrant; FY 2018 Operating Budget $4,198,079 FY 2018 Operating $4,205,091 ; FY 2018 Capital Budget $ 233,619 FY 2018 Capital $ 216,728

Article S5: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Assessors to enter into a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement with Marion MA 1 LLC of Louisville, Colorado for the personal property used to build a photovoltaic system located at 99 Perry Lane; or take any other action thereon.

Article S6: To see if the Town will approve the 2017 Marion Master Plan developed by the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) based on guidance from Marion's residents, advisory groups, and the Planning Board; or take any other action thereon.

Article S7: To see if the Town will vote to enact certain changes to the text of the Code of the Town of Marion, as noted by strikethroughs (indicating deletion) and underlines (indicating additions), all as set forth in the document entitled "Town of Marion Final Draft" dated August 16, 2017, on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, the Marion Planning Board, and the Marion Board of Selectmen; or take any other action thereon.

Article S8: To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire from Great Hill - Marion, LLC, for ten dollars or other nominal consideration, a parcel of land in Marion, Plymouth County, Massachusetts with improvements thereon bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point bearing SOUTH 36* 47' 59" EAST and 1,172.98 feet from a drill hole in a stone bound as shown on a Plan entitled "Plan of Land, Delano Road, Assessors Map 4, Lots 1, 1A & 2-8, Marion, Massachusetts," prepared by Thompson Farland, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, latest revision date June 17, 2017; thence SOUTH 40* 05' 00" EAST for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to a corner; thence SOUTH 49* 55' 00" WEST partially by PARCEL "1A" as shown on said Plan for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to a corner; thence NORTH 40* 05' 00" WEST for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to a corner; thence NORTH 49* 55' 00" EAST for a distance of two hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning. Containing 40,000 square feet, more or less. Being shown as "Parcel A" on said Plan of Land. Said premises to be used only for a water storage facility.
Together with a permanent and nonexclusive access easement over "L.C. Lot A" as shown on said Plan, for the sole purpose of providing access to and egress from the water storage facility located on said "Parcel A" ("Access Easement"). Together with a perpetual and nonexclusive right of way over "Proposed 100' x 77.25' Right of Way Easement" between the westerly terminus of the Access Easement and Delano Road as shown on said Plan, for the sole purpose of providing access to and egress from the water storage facility by foot and by vehicle. Together with a perpetual and nonexclusive easement for the purpose of transporting underground water and for maintaining water mains, control lines, or necessary appurtenances for said water storage facility in and within the "Proposed 30' Wide Water Main Easement" Area as shown in "Detail A" on said Plan. Together with a perpetual and nonexclusive easement for the purpose of running underground lines and services and for maintaining such services, control lines, or necessary appurtenances for said water storage facility in and within the "Proposed 30' Wide Electrical Easement" Area as shown in "Detail A" on said Plan. Together with a perpetual and nonexclusive overhead easement for the provision of electric service from Delano Road to utility pole number 28 on Spring Road, then underground by various courses and distances to the Proposed 30' Wide Electric Easement as shown of Detail "A". or to take other action thereon.

Article S9: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to convey to Great Hill - Marion, LLC, for ten dollars or other nominal consideration, a parcel of land in Marion, Plymouth County, Massachusetts bounded and described as follows: Northwesterly two hundred (200) feet; Northeasterly two hundred (200) feet; Southwesterly two hundred (200) feet; Southeasterly two hundred (200) feet by land now or formerly of Robert Stone
Said parcel shown as Lot 5 on Subdivision Plan #2278D, drawn by Arthur Thompson, Surveyor, dated May 1965 and filed with Certificate of Title No. 144, and also shown as "L.C. Lot 5" on a Plan entitled "Plan of Land, Delano Road, Assessors Map 4, Lots 1, 1A & 2-8, Marion, Massachusetts," prepared by Thompson Farland, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, latest revision date June 17, 2017.
Reserving to the Town a perpetual and nonexclusive easement for the purpose of running underground electrical lines and services for maintaining such lines and services, control lines, and necessary appurtenances for the Town's water storage facility, said electrical facility shown in and within the "Proposed 30' Wide Electrical Easement" Area as shown in "Detail 'A' " on said Plan of Land. or to take any other action thereon.