Mattapoisett Yacht Club Fall Round the Bay Race

On Saturday, September 14, Mattapoisett Yacht held the annual Fall Round the Bay Race. This is a PHRF series with one class flying spinnakers and the other class not. The winds were light, the sun was shining. A beautiful day on the water. Fifteen sailboats from around Buzzards Bay competed with 7 in the spinnaker class and 8 in non-spinnaker class.

            Ted Herihlys’ Gut Feeling won the spinnaker class beating Barry Steinberg’s Glory by only one minute. Third place was Tom Williams in Dragonfly only one minute behind Glory. Plan B sailed by Max Hart was fourth, Pimeson sailed by Bonnie Kichner was fifth, Hamburglar sailed Jim Barnes was sixth and Restless sailed by Rob Ryan was seventh.

            In the non-spinnaker class, Mark Thornhill’s’ No Quarter Given took line honors and also won with the handicapped time, beating Steve Capones’ Kinsail. Rounding out the fleet, Don Ross in Coconuts was third, Jeff Lee in BillyBud was fourth, and Barry Feldman in Scarlet was fifth. Lindisfarne, Scialla and Surprise did not finish.

            This concludes the racing season at MYC. The next event is the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet October 19.

            Tickets are still available at our website: under Social events.

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