Volleyball Skills Sessions. Join Mattapoisett Recreation and Wheaton College Head Volleyball Coach Craig Letourneau for an introductory Skills Clinic for children in Grades 5-8. The program will be based on learning and growing basic skills of the game, as well as game play. This 8-week program is on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm and starts November 30. Online sign up is available at www.mattrec.net.
Please email mattrec@mattapoisett.net with any questions.
Junior High Co-ed Basketball Program. Please note: The last day for online sign-ups for MATTREC’s Junior High basketball program is November 11. This program is open to all junior high students. Placement/evaluation night is Tuesday, November 15 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at Center School Gymnasium in Mattapoisett. Players can also sign up at placement night. For more information or to sign up online, visit www.mattrec.net
Fencing. A new session of MATTREC’s Fencing will begin on Monday, December 5. Have you always wanted to learn the art of fencing in a fun, safe environment? Join MATTREC and instructors from Blackstone Valley Fencing for a 6-week session. Classes are Mondays at 6:00 and 7:00 pm in the Center School Gymnasium. Sign up online at www.mattrec.net.