Town of Mattapoisett Scholarships

The Mattapoisett Scholarship Committee is offering two distinct scholarship awards each of up to $1,500 to deserving and qualified applicants who complete our application process. The Details are:

            1) Mattapoisett Graduating Senior Award – Eligibility: Any Mattapoisett resident who is graduating from High School prior to July 1, 2025. Award(s): The total Scholarship Award amount is $1,500. The Committee reserves the right to decide how many applicants will receive a stipend that will, in total, not exceed the $1,500 total.

            Requirements: Students should submit in addition to the application form their letters of recommendation, transcript and a cover letter addressing their aspirations and financial need. Submission Deadline: April 15.

            2) Mattapoisett Continuing Education Scholarship -Eligibility: Any Mattapoisett resident who is reentering the academic world. They should be pursuing a post graduate degree, career advancing courses or trade certification.

            Award(s): The total Continuing Education Award amount is $1,500. The Committee reserves the right to decide how many applicants will receive a stipend that will, in total, not exceed the $1,500 total.

            Requirements: Applicants should submit their letter of recommendations, applicable transcript(s), any applicable course or training information and a cover letter addressing their aspirations and financial need.

            The committee shall take into consideration each recipient’s financial need, character, scholastic record, and involvement in community work as well as extracurricular activities. Successful applicants will be informed by May 6.

            Blank and completed application forms are available at: Mattapoisett Town Hall, c/o Christine Richards, 16 Main St., Mattapoisett, MA 02739. Phone: 508-758-4100, Email:

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