Tabor Academy’s Art Department will host Cape Cod potter Joseph McCaffery on campus from Wednesday, November 18 to Friday, November 20. Mr. McCaffery has been a working studio potter for over 30 years. In 1987, he opened Narrowlands Pottery, a live/work studio and gallery in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. At Narrowlands, he has developed a range of functional ware made in stoneware and porcelain that explore the beauty and mystery of many of the classic high temperature glazes: Temoku, Celadon, Copper Red, and Shino.
During his stay on campus, he will conduct workshops in the ceramic studio with students and faculty. The public is invited to learn with Tabor on Thursday evening, November 19, when Mr. McCaffery will present an artist talk in the Braitmayer Art Center’s Ceramic Studio from 6:30 – 7:00 pm. The talk is open to the public and an exhibition of his pottery will also be on display and be available for purchase that evening.
Attendees should park at 71 Spring Street in the Hayden Library lot and walk around the library to find the Braitmayer Art Center.