The Sippican Woman’s Club is pleased to announce it will award five $2,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who reside in Marion.
These scholarships are based on academic accomplishments, co-curricular activities, community service and financial need. One scholarship recipient will also be awarded an additional award of $500 for being chosen to receive the Lu Chevrier Award. The award goes to a graduating senior whose goal is to teach or has taught in some manner (such as tutoring or helping another student.) This award honors Lu Chevrier who served as Sippican Woman’s Club president for two terms 1996-99 and was also a member of the board for many years. The board manages Handy’s Tavern, which is owned by our club and serves as our meeting place. In addition to the graduating senior scholarships, we will be awarding three $300 continuing-education scholarships to students already enrolled in a post-secondary college.
Application forms are available on our website: or the guidance department at the following high schools: Old Rochester Regional High School, Tabor Academy, Falmouth Academy, Bishop Stang High School, Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School, and Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School. Applications must be received by April 15.
We will also award the Alice Ryder Book Award to the highest-ranking 8th grade English student. Alice Ryder was the president of the Sippican Woman’s Club three times from 1922-1925, 1940-1944 and 1946-1948. Alice also authored the book “Lands of Sippican,” which relates the history of when Marion, Rochester and Mattapoisett were one community.
The Sippican Woman’s Club is an active non-profit woman’s organization whose mission is threefold: social, educational and humanitarian. Each December on either the first or second Saturday of the month, we hold our Annual Holiday House Tour. Five or six Marion homeowners open their holiday-themed decorated homes to the South Coast community to tour. Our members serve as hostesses at these beautiful homes. The money raised from tickets sales and the money donated by our local business owners allows the Woman’s Club to award these scholarships each year.
The Sippican Woman’s Club welcomes women of Marion or women with an interest in Marion to join our club. Please find the application to join us on our website: