Post-Homecoming Wrap-Up

It is back to business for the students of ORRHS as we all settle into the post-Homecoming week, pre-holidays lull. The seniors were disqualified from the Homecoming skit competition and therefore lost to the juniors. The heat is on for the ORRHS annual Powder Puff game between the junior and senior girls. The game will take place on Tuesday, October 30 at the ORRHS football field.

After Thanksgiving break, winter sports will be taking over the school. Sign-ups will take place during lunches closer to the end of the fall sports season. The winter sports this year will be the usual girls’ and boys’ winter track, girls’ and boys’ basketball, ice hockey, dance team, cheering team and the new addition of the co-ed swim team.

Besides sports, college-bound juniors and seniors should be aware of the SAT and ACT dates for the rest of this school year. You can get SAT information and sign up at; is the website for the ACT’s. Most colleges accept either one or the other. For those of you who may not have done as well on the SAT’s as you wanted, the ACT’s can be another option besides taking the SAT’s multiple times.

For those college-bound seniors, you can access a list of scholarships on your Naviance page or talk to your guidance counselor about others that are available to you. Researching on your own or signing up for one of the many scholarship search websites can also be helpful tools in finding ways to pay for the furthering of your education. For all students, grades for Term 1 close on November 1and report cards will be distributed on November 13; all make-up work should be submitted to teachers as soon as possible.

By Jessica Correia

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