Guardians and Little Angels Dance

On Monday, a group of the select Old Rochester Regional High School AmbassadORs met with principal and club leader Mike Devoll during their Bulldog Block. These students in particular are the brains and driving force behind the upcoming “Guardians and Little Angels” dance.

From 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Saturday, January 20, young girls and an older male guardian (such as dads, uncles, or neighbors) are invited to come to Old Rochester Regional High School for a night of fun dancing.

The dance is open to girls in pre-school through Grade 5 and welcomes attendees from outside the Tri-Town as well.

“Our dance is two weeks away, and we’ve already had amazing feedback from the community,” Devoll said to the group at the beginning of their meeting. “I hope this is a big event, and that it becomes bigger in future years. I’m all about starting new traditions.”

The meeting brainstorm resulted in a list of specific details for the dance, including forming decoration committees and organizing further portions of the event.

One group of upperclassmen AmbassadORs convened in a corner and began making a list of decorations they would purchase later on, while a smaller group added more fun songs to the ever-growing dance playlist.

“We’re excited to be holding and planning an event that involves the surrounding community around Old Rochester,” said senior MacKenzie Drew.

Drew is one of the five AmbassadORs on the group’s Plenipotentiary Committee, and was involved with creating the flyers for the dance that are on the school’s Facebook page and around town.

“It’s going to be a memorable event that will be around for years to come,” said Drew.

Finalized at the meeting were several ideas that had been submitted by both parents from the community and from AmbassadORs. A photo booth will be at the dance for attendees to capture the fun memories of the night. The AmbassadORs, who will also be on hand in formal dress, will be staffing a refreshments table with water and baked goods available for purchase.

Tickets are $15 for one guardian and child, and $5 for each additional child. They are available in Marion at the General Store, Sippican School, and Serendipity; in Mattapoisett at Center School, ORRHS, and Isabelle’s; and in Rochester at Rochester Memorial School and Plumb Corner.

Tickets will also be available at the door during the dance.

ORR Update

By Jo Caynon


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