Coming to ORRHS this fall … The Bulldog Block. Taking a nod from the success of the flex period at our junior high school, we will be incorporating a fixed period of time to provide interventions, supports, enrichments and extensions for all students during the regular school day. Every day. The Bulldog Block will land in the middle of our day starting at 10:17 am and ending at 10:52 am. While most view the 35-minute period as time for students to receive academic support, this is also an opportunity for enrichments and extensions for students that didn’t previously exist. How can the Tri-Town community help? Do you have a skill or an interest that would benefit a group of students? Prior to the Bulldog Block, we had a rotating schedule, and therefore we couldn’t guarantee a consistent period of time for meetings with students. Now we have time available. The same time, every day. Do you have insight into potential career opportunities for students? Do you have a connection to a particular college or have an interest in helping students find the right post-high school path? We can create a consistent schedule for you. Weekly, biweekly, or monthly … all hands on deck. Our community members have so much to offer our student body, and we now have the chance to consistently capture an audience of interested students. 10:17-10:52 … every day. Send me an email at if you want to learn more or get on our schedule.
By ORR Principal Michael Devoll