Academic Achievements

Northeastern University is pleased to recognize those students who distinguish themselves academically during the course of the school year. The following local students were recently named to the University’s dean’s list for the fall semester, which ended in December 2017. The list includes:

Marion resident Terence Lee, majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience. In addition to achieving distinction through the dean’s list, Lee is a member of the University Honors Program.

Mattapoisett resident Evan Roznoy, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. In addition to achieving distinction through the dean’s list, Roznoy is a member of the University Honors Program.

Mattapoisett resident Paige Watterson, majoring in Economics. In addition to achieving distinction through the dean’s list, Watterson is a member of the University Honors Program.

Marion resident Jonathan Harris, majoring in Health Science.

Marion resident Lucy Saltonstall, majoring in Communication Studies.

Mattapoisett resident Amanda Carreiro, majoring in Health Science.

Mattapoisett resident Madison Durr, majoring in Nursing.

Mattapoisett resident James Goulart, majoring in Chemistry.

Rochester resident Alexandra Melloni, majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience.

To achieve the dean’s list distinction, students must carry a full program of at least four courses, have a quality point average of 3.5 or greater out of a possible 4.0 and carry no single grade lower than a C- during the course of their college career. Each student receives a letter of commendation and congratulation from their college dean.

Callum McLaughlin of Mattapoisett , who is in the mechanical engineering program, made the Dean’s List for the fall semester at Rochester Institute of Technology. Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean’s List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades of “Incomplete,” “D” or “F”; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.

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