On Wednesday evening,January 30, a Parent Information Night for new kindergarten families begins at 5:45 pm with a question and answer period in the Rochester Memorial School (RMS) cafetorium, then continues from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, in our kindergarten classrooms. Enrollment packets will be available for you to take and complete at home.
Kindergarten registration will take place February 5, 6, & 7, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am and from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm each day. Completed registration paperwork should be presented at this time.
When coming to register, parents must bring the child’s birth certificate, a valid driver’s license, two verifications of home address, a record of immunization, and a physician’s certificate showing the date and results of a lead-screening. Each student must have a physical examination dated during the current year prior to the beginning of classes. We will accommodate your personal schedules, but, if possible, please register your child on the appropriate day shown below.
Last name begins with – Date of registration:
A to F – Tuesday, February 5
G to M – Wednesday, February 6
N to Z – Thursday, February 7
If you have an outstanding court order or decree regarding the legal custody of your child, we ask that you bring it at registration time.