What is going on with the Rochester Select Board?

To the Editor;

            What is going on with the Rochester Select Board?

            I ask this after reading in the Wanderer that two proposals to enhance public safety in front of Town Hall have been presented. I applauded this initiative presented by the Select Board in September 2021, but raised concerns. But let’s back up a little.

            The First Congregational Church of Rochester property borders Town Hall on three sides. In  2020, the Church made the painful decision to sell a house lot in order to pay for badly needed repairs. The lot was to be at the far end of the Church property furthest from the Church buildings. When the Select Board learned of this, they asked the Church to consider carving two acres out around town hall so the town could purchase for future expansion. The Church and Town Hall had always worked together for mutual benefit, so the Church agreed after much discussion. The Church paid for plans to meet the specifications presented by the Select Board, got Planning Board approval and obtained an appraisal, all at Church expense. An agreed upon price went before Town Meeting where the Select Board was authorized to proceed by an overwhelming vote. Behind closed doors, the Select Board decided not to buy the property leaving the Church body confused and with expenses, it certainly didn’t need.

            The Church now has to face a potential increased safety issue while the enhanced safety effort in front of Town Hall seems to be moving forward. The initial scheme was proposed diverting traffic from the front of Town Hall to behind Town Hall and then reconnecting with Constitution Way. Conveniently, the Town seems to have forgotten the Town has responsibility for all of Constitution Way and now claims it is the “Church driveway.” It was named Constitution Way when the Town took over the upkeep of the road so the Library would legally face a public way (before the new entrance on New Bedford Road.) Yes, the church owns the land, but the Town owns the right of way.

            The proposed diversion of the road from the front of Town Hall to the back will potentially create a greater public safety issue for the Church. In September, I sent a letter of concern to the Highway Surveyor (who was apparently placed in charge of the project) and Town Counsel along with an alternative plan. I made it clear in writing and in person I would work with whomever on behalf of the Church to enhance public safety for all. I have received nothing in return. No invitations to meetings, no plans, nothing. Even without my letter of concern, common courtesy would dictate communication with Town Hall’s only abutting neighbor.

            Town officials are supposed to work in the best interests of all Rochester citizens. The next-door neighbor to Town Hall is the Church attended by Rochester citizens. After centuries of cooperation seemingly ending between the Town and the Church, I have to ask again, “What is going on with the Rochester Select Board?”

Richard Cutler, Rochester

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