To the Editor,
I am writing to express my support for the proposed By-Law that would create a historic district in the Village of Marion. My wife and I are new residents and property owners in the Village, and it was the historic character and welcoming nature of the Village that drew us to Marion.
The town we came from had a historic district. I was a member and Chair of that Commission for more than a decade. I would like to offer some insight to those who are concerned as to the impact the By-Law might have on their rights as property owners.
The proposed Marion By-Law is extremely limited in scope and the review process is consistent with the procedures used by other Historic District Commissions throughout the State. The review process allows for initial informal notification of an applicable project and provides property owners with resources and guidelines to prepare a formal application. The application is a simple form supported by documentation that might be utilized when applying for any required permits. The Commission’s role is to work with the property owners to ensure that the design of their new applicable structure maintains the character of the Village.
In the years serving on my former town’s commission, not a single project was ever denied. There may have been adjustments to design, but every project went forward. In fact, not a single applicant ever reported that the suggested adjustments increased the cost of their project. In many instances the costs were reduced by the commission’s recommended adjustments. A collaborative approach between the property owners and the commission always resulted in the efficient administration of a project application and a project that added to the preservation of the character of the historic district.
I would ask my friends and neighbors who live in the Village to view the historic district By-Law in two important ways. First, the By-Law protects the investment you have made in choosing to live in the Village. Second, the By-Law is the most effective and proven way to maintain the character of the Village. In supporting this By-Law, we have the opportunity to preserve what we all love about the Village for ourselves, our families and for future generations.
Please join me and my wife in voting YES for this By-Law.
John Morgan, Marion
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