To the Editor:
In September, the barge company that I work for was hired to do some test borings for an environmental company at a location in the Acushnet River situated off of the old Aerovox factory, which at one point was one of the most polluted spots on the planet, but after years of dredging and cleaning the river was getting better. Once we loaded the drill rig onto the barge, I motored to the exact site and put down the spuds to keep the barge from moving and then the drillers started to do the testing. What really surprised me was the large amount of baitfish, Pogies, Snapper Blues and Shiners creating large swirls in the surface of the water from the Striped Bass feeding below them. The other wildlife that I saw were birds that were working, there were Gulls, Terns and Ospreys feeding. As the hours went by, something caught my eye. Two Bald Eagles began to circle the barge, as I watched with binoculars they headed toward Acushnet, and I wanted to see if they had a nest but lost sight of them in the trees. In the afternoon, I noticed a large bird flying along the tree line and then landing on a utility pole. With my binoculars, I could see that it was an immature eagle since it had no white head or tail, so there has to be a nest. Things are looking up.
Stuart G. Mitchell, Rochester
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