To the Editor:
The Mattapoisett Friends Meeting takes this opportunity to thank the donors and buyers at the two flea market/yard sales held this year that were more successful than any held previously. All proceeds will be used for refurbishing the interior of the historic 1827 meeting house on Route 6.
The August sale netted in the neighborhood of $1,000 and included several outright cash gifts of $100. Special thanks to Gale and Patrick Broderick of Rochester for their donation of a myriad of household goods prior to their move from their old home in Mattapoisett.
The October sale netted just over $600 and will be augmented by the eBay sale of seven vintage dolls, which grossed $2,250. The dolls were among many items donated by Liz DiCarlo and Bev Baccelli of Mattapoisett.
Thanks, too, for the suggestion by Liz that others in the community might have single items of value to donate to the Friends for possible sale on eBay in the coming months. The church is a 501(c)3 organization and is prepared to offer receipts for income tax purposes for donations of considerable value.
Brad Hathaway
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