Thank you Senator Montigny:
The We the People Resolution (S.2243) is moving forward from the Senate’s Committee on Rules (chaired by Senator Montigny) to consideration by the full Senate. The forward motion of this resolution is due in no small measure to the efforts and support given by Sen. Mark Montigny.
The Resolution, which failed to get voted out of committee during the last Legislative session, is designed to overcome the control of our society by a handful of wealthy oligarchs with an inherent conflict of interest. The town of Mattapoisett voted in favor of supporting this initiative at last year’s Annual Town Meeting.
The Resolution, when finally passed by both the House and the Senate, will ask Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to overcome the disastrous impact of the 2010 “Citizens United” decision and other decisions which enable unfettered use of money to control our election process. If Congress fails to act within six months after receiving the Resolution, it becomes a petition for an Article V amendment-proposing convention.
Jack W. Dean, Mattapoisett
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