Dear Editor,
I write to thank the kind professionals who serve Mattapoisett on the Police Ambulance and in the patrol cars.
On November 10th, I suffered a catastrophic bone failure resulting in a left leg femur fracture. Pain took on a whole new meaning on that day.
I’d like to also thank the woman whose name I do not know who stopped to give aid and call for medical assistance, as well as to the father-daughter team, whose dog is named Murphy, who also stopped to help. Thank you for alerting my husband that I was injured.
Providing first aid to someone in the condition I was in that day was difficult due to the type of injury I sustained, but the police officer and the EMT did what was necessary and told me what they were doing every moment to help calm me down.
First responders will always have a special place in my heart and the two who helped me that day now also carry the title HERO as far as I’m concerned.
Thank you now and always,
Marilou Newell, Mattapoisett
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