Dear Marion Harbormaster(s), all Fire Department Personnel, and a big shout out to Gary from Aucoot Cove:
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
On Monday, July 31, 2017 we four adults decided to take advantage of a beautiful summer day and head to the Vineyard. After topping off the gas tank, we headed off on our journey. Not far outside of Converse Point, the boat stalled and we smelled something burning. Our Captain immediately turned on the blower and called 911 as smoke started pouring out the side of the boat. Our on-board firefighter grabbed the fire extinguisher, the anchor was thrown, and we all grabbed life vests. For fear of the vessel exploding, we flagged down a nearby boat (Gary from Aucoot Cove, we love you!), jumped ship and swam. We were terrified. Not soon after, we could see the Marion ambulance with lights on at Converse Point, just in case, Marion and Wareham Harbormasters and three tow boats on scene. The response time was amazing. The professionalism and caring manner in which everyone approached our tragedy was second to none. We were scared, thought the worst, but were immediately comforted by all responders. Thank you so very much for being our Guardian Angels that day – we are so glad this is behind us.
What we know and learned that day: Always have your life jackets in site. Always call 911 first. Drop the anchor. Never feed oxygen to a fire. Get off the boat. Let the professionals take care of it. And have utmost respect for the Public Servants of our town – we need them!!!
P.S. Hug a public servant today!
Jeff & Diane Holmes, Planting Island, Marion
Scott & Jennifer Donahue, Dexter Beach, Marion
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