Tables of Content

To the Editor,

            A wonderful time was had by all during the Elizabeth Taber Library 4th annual Tables of Content fundraisers on May 7 and May 19.  This is a unique event where Marion residents and friends gather together at various homes in Marion for an intimate dinner followed by a discussion of a preselected book.

            We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to our generous sponsor, Michelle Humphrey.

            Special thanks to our hosts and cohosts for their generosity and support:

Judith and Robert Rosbe, Wendy and Ray Cullum, Margaret Nash, Joan and Ed Tiffany, Susan Mead, Nan Johnson, Meg and Barry Steinberg, Dana Anderson, Sylvia Strand, Kitsie Howard, Elise Frangos, Kathy Rogers, David Finn-Clarke and Joyce LeBlanc.

            Funds raised supplement the Town’s budget for the Library, as well as supporting our ongoing programming and the continued expansion of our modern and relevant collection.

            Please be in touch with Liz Sherry, Librarian 508-748-1252 or Joyce LeBlanc Trustee 508-971-9849 if you would like to learn more about this event and how you can participate in next year’s Tables of Content dinners.

Elizabeth Taber Library

Tables of Content Committee

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