To the Editor:
To the VERY concerned neighbor on Mattapoisett Neck Road on Sunday, January 14, who called in to the police a “suspicious ‘man in camo’ waving his arms at cars and stepping into traffic.” That was me, a 53-year-old woman, walking my usual walk, a walk I’ve been doing on a regular basis for the past six years, without ever being stopped and questioned by, not just one, but two police cruisers with their lights flashing. What was so alarming to you, my coat, which I’ll admit, gets its fair share of attention (both positive and negative), but is hardly threatening – I think of it as “camo light” as it’s made by a company best known for its preppy, colorful rain boots. The fact that my arms were moving? I was dancing to the music playing in my headphones, perhaps more enthusiastically than I realized, but surely not worthy of a call to the police. As for stepping out in front of cars, thanks for your concern, but I learned years ago not to play in traffic. I was, simply, out enjoying the beauty that surrounds us in Mattapoisett and thinking, as I often do, how lucky I am to be able to live here.
Liz Garvey, Mattapoisett
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