Small Town America

To the Editor:

How glorious, “The Star Spangled Banner” starting off the concert on Wednesday evening always brings a lump to my throat. Looking up at our most beautiful symbol of freedom, people singing with hands over hearts.

Looking out over our beautiful harbor on Wednesday evening, sailboats skimming over the water, full moon casting a magical beam, breeze sweet in a most soothing rhythm flowing with the orchestra.

How lucky we are!

Little children, joyous and carefree, circling the bandstand, parents and grandparents trying to keep up with the momentum. This is small town America at its very best.

Please support our Wednesday evening band concerts by your attendance; don’t let this tradition fade away.

THIS IS small town America at its best, may God bless us all forever and ever and may it never end.

Joyce Almeida, Mattapoisett


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