Sippican Woods

To the Editor;

            The Mattapoisett Tree Committee would like to thank the Highway Department and Tree Warden for planting two trees at the Police Station for Arbor 2022. Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer and his crew, along with Tree Warden Roland Cote, were instrumental in the placement and planting of the trees.

            One of the trees, a white Magnolia, was planted and a plaque was placed to recognize the Town’s first responders and emergency personnel. We would also like to thank Police Chief King for his support and assistance over the past several months.   

Sandra Hering

Chairperson, Mattapoisett Tree Committee

To our fellow residents of Marion:

            On May 9, we have the opportunity to officially welcome tax-paying residents with a positive impact on our town by voting YES on Article 40 and adopting Fieldstone Lane and Village Drive as public ways.

            When we vote YES on Article 40 at Town Meeting, we are siding with nurses, first responders, veterans, young professionals, retired grandparents and families with kids at Sippican and other district schools.

            When one votes NO on Article 40, they are voting against their fellow tax-paying Marion residents. Since 2017, Fieldstone Lane has contributed roughly half a million dollars in taxes to the town. As proud tax-paying Marion residents, we support, donate and participate in our local community.

            While we were promised by the Town Manager a report to our neighborhood detailing issues that officials have with the road, we have still not received one, despite several requests.

            From what we can tell in his remarks to the media, the Town Manager has expressed his concern for a “major problem … with the Hammerhead T-shaped dead end.”

            Yet, the Marion Fire Department visited our street recently with their largest ladder truck to perform a turnaround, and they were quoted as being quite pleased with the configuration and its safety, especially as compared to others they have encountered in the town.

            What’s more, Waste Management has collected our trash and recycling with zero issues. A wide variety of carriers routinely deliver our packages. This road has been plowed for five years without any incident. And maintenance is expected to be a nonfactor for at least 15 years, according to the developer, due to the road’s newness.

            We are your friends, neighbors and fellow residents. We pay full property taxes and water bills. Please tell our representatives we deserve equal rights and privileges when you vote on May 9.

            Thank you,

Tia Getty on behalf of the Sippican Woods neighbors

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