To the Editor:
In March of 1819 Congress appropriated money to establish a lighthouse on Bird Island. On Saturday, September 14, 2019 the Marion Harbormaster’s Department hosted at the Music Hall a Bicentennial Celebration of the Bird Island Light and Signal.
It was a grand event and all responsible should be congratulated for a job well done. The food was great and plentiful. A slideshow of Bird Island played all during the event.
Charles Bradley gave an historical outline of the rejuvenation of the lighthouse. Next, he introduced his brother, Eddie Bradley, who told the incredible story of finding a 1913 painting by Clarence Braley titled Bird Island Light and Signal. He purchased it in 2017.
For some time, the brothers debated where to donate the painting. The decision came down to the Sippican Historical Society as most appropriate. This incredible gift was gratefully received by Sippican Historical Society curator and will be placed on display in the museum for all to enjoy.
Pete Smith, Curator, Sippican Historical Society