To the Editor;
In response to Ms. DeSousa’s recent letter to the editor on December 16, 2019:
SRPEDD is honored to work in partnership with residents, business owners, and officials in Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Marion, and Wareham as we examine alternatives for the future of Route 6. The Route 6 Corridor Study was first initiated by the town of Marion and later supported by the towns of Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, and Wareham due to concerns about intersection safety, vehicle speeds, and the lack of multi-modal accommodations. During this study, these concerns were confirmed by SRPEDD from community officials in stakeholder meetings, from comment cards submitted by the public, through the public survey, which resulted in nearly 740 responses, and, importantly, from the public meetings held in 2018.
Citizen participation is essential to the success of this planning project. However, some statements in Ms. DeSousa’s letter were incorrect. For example, the public meeting on December 11, 2019 did not recommend a “uniform strategy” approach to the corridor; on the contrary, SRPEDD presented a menu of options that may be appropriate for different sections of Route 6, depending on the character, land uses, and environment surrounding each section. SRPEDD presented these conceptual alternatives in an attempt to build consensus on the type and location of improvements that aim to resolve the current issues along the corridor.
SRPEDD is eager for the public and project stakeholders to share their vision for Route 6. To do so, please attend the second public workshop at 6:00 pm on January 6, 2020 at the Sippican School in Marion, visit the project webpage for more information, and contact us online or via phone. Your input is essential to any future work on this historic, scenic roadway, as MassDOT seeks to address concerns with speed, safety, and Route 6’s impact on town planning goals.
Jed Cornock, AICP
Route 6 Corridor Study Project Manager
The views expressed in the “Letters to the Editor” column are not necessarily those of The Wanderer, its staff or advertisers. The Wanderer will gladly accept any and all correspondence relating to timely and pertinent issues in the great Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester area, provided they include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification. We cannot publish anonymous, unsigned or unconfirmed submissions. The Wanderer reserves the right to edit, condense and otherwise alter submissions for purposes of clarity and/or spacing considerations. The Wanderer may choose to not run letters that thank businesses, and The Wanderer has the right to edit letters to omit business names. The Wanderer also reserves the right to deny publication of any submitted correspondence.