Dear Friends,
We want to extend a sincere thank you to several people for their role in helping to make the town tour of Rochester possible for the third graders of Rochester Memorial School. Carol Hardy, Ann and Mike Cambra, Sharon and Woody Hartley, Lorraine Thompson, an anonymous donor, and the Friends of the Rochester Senior Center were all instrumental in this day from organizing and narrating the tour, serving up the birthday treats, and arranging the special commemorative t-shirts for the teachers and students. The third graders wanted to share some of the fun facts that they learned.
Did you know:
-Mary’s Pond may have been named after a Native American woman named Mary who drowned in that pond.
-Rochester had a town pound. Stray animals were put there until their owners claimed them.
-The oldest house in Rochester is on Dexter Lane.
-The yellow house on the corner of Snipatuit Rd. was once a post office and a stagecoach stop.
-The old white sign in the center of town is from the 1800s.
-There was a townhouse that was rotting on the bottom and they cut of the top, threw away the bottom, and put the top on the bottom.
-Witch rock used to be known as the rock that had spirits in it and on a full moon they would come out.
-Rochester was almost named the capital of MA.
-The Snipatuit Pond causeway was created after a town meeting was held at the pond and it was decided that the pond was shallow enough to build a causeway to connect the two parts of town.
-Hiller farm was once owned by the Leonard family. On the property there used to be a horse track.
-There was a one room schoolhouse on Burgess Ave.
Thanks again for this awesome day!
Rochester Memorial Third Grade