Dear Board of Selectmen:
As a result of viewing of the September 29th Planning Board Public Hearing video and participating in October 20th Special Town Meeting, I have spent significant time this past week trying to understand relationships among items discussed at Town Meeting: namely, the content and reporting of the public hearing, the bylaw sponsorship process, and also the role of planning board in serving or guiding the town.
As you consider bylaw sponsorship and related issues, please work to set something in motion that ensures that the facts are openly, calmly and fairly investigated and reasoned points of view are aired. Openness is important because matters of real estate development penetrate into almost every department, committee and board, and residents value fairness. Open dialogue may create opportunity to see better ways to conduct business between departments, boards, or committees as well as with businesses and residents.
Please note that during my search for information, Town Clerk, Town Administrator, and Planning Board Chair could quickly put their hands on the Municipal Zoning Bylaws, but no one that I asked had at hand Municipal bylaws that govern the formation, activities, and responsibilities of our Planning Board. To inform myself, I referenced MGL Chapter 41 Section 81, especially 81C and 81 D. There appear to be at least two strongly held points of view about the role of the Planning Board in town government. Voters and our elected officials need to define the expectations and limits of Planning Board service, given the challenges of our difficult-to-develop geography and limited resources. Lack of clarity about roles and responsibilities has contributed to a damaging moment in our Town’s history. Responsible action at the Selectmen’s Meeting and moving forward will contribute to a better Mattapoisett.
Bonne DeSousa, Mattapoisett
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