Dear Editor:
Mattapoisett residents with thoughts about the large pier being proposed by Laurie and Daniel Darosa at 3 Goodspeed Island have only a short time remaining to make their voices heard. The proposed pier requires a “Waterways License” issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The DEP licensing process is independent from hearings underway in front of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission. To participate in the DEP process, residents must mail written comments by October 22, 2014 in order to comply with the DEP deadline.
The September 25 issue of The Wanderer included the DEP legal notice describing “an application to construct and maintain a pile supported timber pier with a gangway, float and float piles at 3 Goodspeed Island … in and over flowed tidelands of Mattapoisett Harbor.” The DEP legal notice states that comments should reference DEP Application W14-4226, applicant Laurie and Daniel Darosa. Comments should be sent to: Carlos T. B. Fragata, Environmental Analyst, DEP Waterways Regulation Program, 20 Riverside Drive, Lakeville, MA, 02347. For more information, Mr. Fragata can be reached at 508-946-2873. Complete plans for the proposed pier can be viewed at the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission office or at Mr. Fragata’s office in Lakeville (previous appointment required).
Thank you.
William Cantor
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