To the Editor:
I would like to address my fellow Mattapoisett residents who share with me what I would affectionately refer to as the “North Street North” neighborhood which I consider to be both North Street itself, as well as its many adjoining streets that are situated north of Route 195 which house almost one fifth of our town’s residents.
Specifically, I would like to bring to your attention that there is a neighborhood meeting being scheduled for Oct.3 at the Center School at 6:30 for all those who share with me a desire to see the creation of safer walking and biking options for our area. I have spoken to many residents who have also shared a concern that there are currently no safe options available to us to walk (either alone or with our children and grandchildren or pets) or to ride our bikes without risking life and limb on North Street.
Your input and suggestions are very important and needed in order for the town to possibly prioritize this neighborhood as it seeks to create a greater network of safe, interconnected paths which promise to create new and exciting options for recreation and exercise in an area that has few amenities.
So I ask you to please come out and make your concerns and opinions known to the committee about the importance of this issue to you personally. The Pedestrian Bike Committee can then take them into consideration before formulating a proposal to the state for possible funding initiatives. Your opinions and concerns are critical in helping the town to actually get something accomplished for our neighborhood. Hope to see many of you at this important meeting.
Robert Teixeira, Jr,, Mattapoisett