To the Editor:
The ongoing road and sidewalk work in the Village is looking great and we hope everyone appreciates the hard work of the Highway Department to make it happen. Planning for improvements began many years ago and addresses the condition of existing sidewalks. But what about better conditions for walkers and riders in all of our neighborhoods? The Municipal Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan that will be considered at the upcoming May 24 Selectmen’s meeting outlines a variety of ways that residents and the Town can improve conditions in their neighborhoods. Please take a look at the plan, which is on the Town website, and send comments to the Town Administrator.
Safety starts with everyone on the roads sharing them well. It won’t cost drivers anything to slow down and watch for bikers and walkers. It won’t cost bike riders and walkers anything to follow the rules of the road. The plan identifies improvements that do come with a price tag: It calls for pedestrian-activated crosswalks on Route 6 and for the business community to give input for improvements in the business district before MassDOT finalizes its plans for Route 6 upgrades. And, of course, it calls for a timely and prioritized completion of the bike path and upgraded design of the intersection of the bike path with roads. Please get involved in your neighborhood to make our streets better for everyone. You can get started now: there’s a place on the police department website for residents to note the where and when of speeders on your street.
Bonne DeSousa
President, Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path
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