To The Editor:
It’s been quiet on the Bike Path public relations front for some time, but residents of Mattapoisett and the South Coast region can get ready for a flurry of activity related to design and regional fundraising.
Many remember a successful request at Spring Town Meeting for additional funding associated with bridge and boardwalk design. The funds were needed to bring a bridge consultant on board. We are now seeing results: In mid-July, we received comments from Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Bridge and Geotechnical divisions. We expect a final submission addressing all comments first week of August and anticipate a positive response that will allow a year-long permitting phase to begin.
In addition, the State Fiscal Year 2016 began July 1. This means construction funding will become available for signing a construction contract within a year’s time and therefore we are now a high priority project with MassDOT. Because we have funding in place, MassDOT will work much more closely with us to make sure the project moves forward according to the projected funding schedule.
With regard to fundraising, the Spring Town Meeting vote guaranteed the project could proceed to permitting phase, but design work at the end of permitting is not yet fully funded. Friends of the Bike Path are planning to take fundraising regional. We need at least another $34,000 to complete the segment of the Bike Path to Depot Street. The Friends will be reaching outside our small town by asking our supporters – residents and businesses – to help spread the word across the South Coast and beyond.
If you’d like to offer a matching donation to help attract regional interest, contact Bonne DeSousa at, 508-951-2406. To show your support in other ways and stay updated, please Friend or Like us on our Facebook page “Friends of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail”, and make our website,, one of your favorites. Tax-deductible checks made out to “Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path” can be sent to P.O. Box 1336, Mattapoisett, MA 02739.
Bonne DeSousa,
President, Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path
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