Marion’s Proposed Historic District

To the Editor,

            As long-time owners of property within Marion’s proposed historic district, our families hold dear Marion’s rich maritime roots, small-town feel, and architectural history. At the January 15 meeting, we thoroughly enjoyed the presentation revealing the evolution of architectural styles in Marion through time. Advances in technology and changes in community land use are all evidenced in the village buildings we enjoy so much today.

            However, although well-intentioned, the proposed historical district by-law places an undue burden on homeowners within the district. We imagine this proposed by-law is appealing to many of Marion’s residents, but as homeowners in the district, it is clear to us that the potential scheduling delays and financial costs (architectural and site plan revisions, etc.) would be solely incurred by the homeowners and not the town population. Even exterior adjustments, such as window and door placements, as mentioned in the bylaw, would have an interior architectural design impact, as well.

            With rising sea levels and storm activity creating greater threats to waterfront properties, changes outside those that protect historical integrity will be required. It is clear that the proposed by-law will complicate these efforts as evidenced by the Committee’s response to questions at the February 18 meeting.

            We respect the intentions of those who reside within the proposed district to modify their properties as needed and desired without requiring them to go through any added oversight. This area that we value so much today has existed without a commission of this sort successfully for generations. We have no reason to think that will not continue.

            Lastly, some of us received the survey along with “encouragement” to vote in favor by a member of the committee. This survey felt more like a petition in which the recipient was being given only the perspective of the petitioner.

            We urge other owners of property in the proposed district to express their views by responding to the “survey.”

Brian Keane, Beth Keane, Andy Kendall, Emilie Kendall, and Sarah Mitchell

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