To Whom Marion’s Future May Concern:
If you live in Marion and care about the future of our town, please read on.
On Saturday morning, August 1, the Planning Board will hold a public forum to discuss three elements of Marion’s Master Plan, a document that will guide the Town’s evolution through the coming decade and beyond. Community input is essential for producing a valuable, constructive plan that truly represents all of our voices. This forum will focus particularly on land use, economic development, and coping with climate change.
Assisting us with the planning process are professionals from the Southeast Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) as well as three advisory committees composed of selected community members and representatives from town boards.
Please mark your calendar today for this important Public Forum: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on August 1 at the Marion Music Hall. Your engagement, input, and participation will ensure that Marion’s Master Plan will protect our Town’s special charm while meeting the future needs of our residents. For more information, visit
Jennifer Francis, Planning Board Member
Wendy Cullum, MP Outreach Consultant
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