To the Editor:
The Marion Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 7:20 pm at the Marion Town House to explain the purpose of a Temporary Moratorium Bylaw On Adult Use Marijuana Establishments.
Cheryl Sbarra, senior staff attorney for the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards, will describe and clarify the Temporary Moratorium bylaw, and Kathleen Downey, PhD, R.N., Marion’s public health nurse, will answer health related issues concerning marijuana and the protection and education of children K-12.
The facts: The Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) is scheduled to adopt regulations and guidelines on March 15, 2018; two weeks later, April 1, 2018, the CCC begins accepting applications for Adult Use Marijuana licenses. The emerging area of marijuana regulations present many policy and planning issues making that two-week interim period inadequate for Town boards to study regulations thoroughly and develop appropriate bylaws.
In conclusion, the CCC will be governed by local zoning bylaws in effect at the time Adult Use Marijuana Establishments apply for a license. Marion has no zoning bylaws regulating Adult Use Marijuana Establishments as defined in M.G.L. c. 94G, §1.
Please bring your questions and concerns to the Public Hearing on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 7:20 pm at the Town House, and please attend the Special Town Meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 6:45 pm at Sippican School to vote YES or NO on whether to adopt a Temporary Moratorium Bylaw. A yes vote gives the Planning Board, Board of Health, and Zoning Board of Appeals additional time to study the CCC regulations, and together, develop appropriate bylaws that promote the general health, safety and welfare for the Town of Marion and its inhabitants.
On behalf of the Planning Board, Board of Health, and Zoning Board of Appeals, thank you for your time and consideration.
Eileen J. Marum, Chairman, Marion Planning Board
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