Marion Oyster Farms

To the Editor:

There are various efforts underway to enable development of oyster farms in Sippican Harbor. There are, of course, differing points of view, and the Board of Selectmen is tasked with determining the most appropriate course forward. Homeowners don’t want their property affected, sailors don’t want their waterways impinged upon, and fisherman want access to the harbor as part of their livelihood. But this really is a bigger issue than having a couple of town hearings to decide who has precedence. The harbor is the most valuable asset of the town, period, and whatever is done with it needs to be considered with great care and deliberation. There’s a petition calling for a moratorium on “transfer or renewal of aquaculture licenses in the Town of Marion until such time as a review by the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board of the strategic use of all waterways under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Marion can be undertaken and completed to determine the best harbor use, development and protection consistent with community consensus.” As a taxpaying (5 months per year) resident, and one who was drawn to buy in Marion by the special attraction of the town and harbor, I want to add my support to encourage a decision that supports the interests of the entire community.

Scott Fishman, Marion


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