Dear Editor:
I just want to set the story straight on my lot. The main intent of having a driveway added to my buildable lot on Indian Cove Road is to prepare it for future development and construction of a house. The other issues you so nicely highlighted are important as well. Also, bear in mind that the previous owners of the property had full permission from the Conservation Commission of Marion to have a driveway constructed.
There are many issues involved here. The ConCom insists on focusing on the less important issue of getting access to be able to drive my trailered boat in. Of course they make it sound quite foolish. Again, having access to my separate, buildable, fully-taxed lot is extremely important to me as I plan on going forward with the driveway after it is approved. I direct you to please read about the family in Falmouth, MA that recently sued their lovely town for nigh a million dollars, as their ConCom withheld permission to develop their lot.
In fact, Marion is about to finally have a presentation by town counsel on avoidance of overstepping their legal bounds when making decisions. Often members of boards and commissions throughout this fine county make decisions incorrectly, expanding their self-appointed roles to make decisions that they have no right to make. I understand that the ConCom tries to maintain wetlands, which are of extreme importance to our environment. I personally see that certain people in this very town get different considerations, depending on who they are. Some folks can fill in wetlands. Some can cut down trees in the wetlands. Some can build homes or even garages in or on the border of wetlands. Some can’t. Shouldn’t all citizens be treated equally and with respect? Why would any town allow one person to be on so many committees, basically controlling a large percentage of what goes on and doesn’t in one small town.
Michael Popitz, MD, Marion
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