Safety Vest Donation

Dear Editor:

Six members of the business community have made generous donations to help purchase safety vests for the children of Marion. These vests will have two uses. They will be used for the town-wide annual spring Cleanup Day on May 12 when families, school groups, scout troops, and citizens turn out to do roadside litter clean up.

Also, scout troops in Marion are now volunteering to adopt certain areas of town to do monthly litter pick-up. The safety vests have been marked with the logos of the Marion Tree and Parks Committee and the Sippican Lands Trust, the two main sponsors of litter cleanup in Marion. These vests will serve to highlight the efforts of the young kids who volunteer to keep their town clean while making them much more visible while walking along our roadsides.

Hearty thanks go to the businesses that made the purchase of the vests possible.

Tinker Saltonstall

For the Marion Tree and Parks Committee


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