Inn in Mattapoisett

To the Editor:

The historic seaside Inn in Mattapoisett has had several owners and we remember some of the finest. When the Goddus owned it, you could always depend on fine dining. Irving Bookstein was famous for his prime rib. The music was tasteful and piano sing-alongs were common. And who can forget the great duo of Couto and Mulligan?

Today, however, the Inn is not known for either fine dining or tasteful piano music. After 10:00 pm, the amplified music is deafening and several neighbors have called the police department to complain.

We were 46-year residents of Mattapoisett and ran the original Mattapoisett Chowder House and the Fairhaven Chowder House so we know and understand how necessary rules must be followed. Liquor licenses are dependent on following all of the Selectmens’ rules.

Shame on the Mattapoisett Selectmen and the police department. How have you let the Inn continue with this obnoxious noise when several people have complained?  With all of these neighbors complaints how can you continue to approve it’s liquor license and it’s entertainment license? Has the Inn ever been issued a warning?

We challenge the selectmen and the police department to do their jobs. Is there over-serving of alcohol as well? From the noise generated, it would seem so. The ABCC board would be interested in that!

This Inn is located in a high-end residential neighborhood. Therefore, the amplified music should stop at 10:00 pm and it should be closed at a reasonable hour. Why does it have to be open until 1:00 am when most other restaurants are closed earlier? After 10:00 pm it’s a CLUB and the patrons are not Mattapoisett’s finest.

Patricia & Robert Clarkson

Deerfield Beach, FL

The views expressed in the “Letters to the Editor” column are not necessarily those of The Wanderer, its staff or advertisers. The Wandererwill gladly accept any and all correspondence relating to timely and pertinent issues in the great Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester area, provided they include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification. We cannot publish anonymous, unsigned or unconfirmed submissions. The Wandererreserves the right to edit, condense and otherwise alter submissions for purposes of clarity and/or spacing considerations. The Wanderermay choose to not run letters that thank businesses, and The Wandererhas the right to edit letters to omit business names. The Wandereralso reserves the right to deny publication of any submitted correspondence.

6 Responses to “Inn in Mattapoisett”

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  1. Regina Sisk says:

    All the way from Deerfield Beach eh? “Highend neighborhood…patrons not the finest”? Don’t let any snobbery get in your way Pat & Bob*.

    Anyway, don’t listen to these out of touch fools. Music is happy & friendly at the Inn, menu & food is the best I can remember in my 48 years & there is always a sea of warm & genuine smiles welcoming old or new friends. Anyone reading the Wanderer already knows this.

    *friends of the Butlers

  2. Elizabeth Nelson says:

    My grandfather Irving Bookstein owned the Mattapoisett Inn, and has since passed, his daughter Nikki Bookstein went to join him at age 55. I miss them both, but regardless the opinion of anyone and our own; it really is a blessing to see his “art”( both in food and creative works) still mentioned today.
    From little ole Georgia,
    (Irving’s granddaughter)

    • Joanne Earle says:

      I am just seeing this now. I am sad to hear about Nikki. We were in kindergarten together in 1969/70 in Sandwich, MA. Her father owned a restaurant in town called The Buccaneer. But they moved out of town after that and I always wondered what happened to Nikki and where she was. I figured she must be in the Mattapoisett area when I heard her father was the chef at Mattapoisett Inn. I’m so sorry for you losses.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Please reach out to me, I’d love to hear a story or two I stopped by the inn last month on a random road trip… I could just imagine her as a young teen and being there ❤️ please reach out if possible!!!

  3. Steven J Roedl says:

    I remember Irving and family. He had 3 daughters, Nikki, Sydney, and Sherry. The Inn was a fantastic place. I remember doing valet parking on the wharf.

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