To the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen:
I am writing to address a recent petition by a resident of Good Speed Island requesting permission to build a dock in front of his house – a very long dock that can compromise some shellfish beds and fishing areas.
My concern is the fragile ecosystem we live in and the aesthetic, as well as recreational, value of our land and waterfront.
I have lived in Mattapoisett for 20 years and have had a sailboat moored here for 30. Over the years, I have watched people build and add to their property both on the land and into the harbor. The pristine and natural beauty of our northeast coast seems to be getting swallowed up in clutter.
We are neighbors, we are friends, we share a lovely part of our coastline. We don’t always agree on who to vote for, or what color we should paint our houses, but what we do agree on is this beautiful harbor that we all share.
We have a beautiful recreational waterfront. I would like to call upon all my neighbors and friends to rally together to preserve our fragile ecosystem, our pristine and naturally beautiful coastline, our harbor.
As leaders of our community, I call upon you to take the lead, for I fear we will soon be able to walk across the harbor without getting our feet wet.
Thank you,
Cathy Martens, Mattapoisett
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