To the Editor:
The Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path thank everyone who stopped by the Friends’ booth at Harbor Days and everyone who has contributed to our fundraising program recently and over the years.
We are pleased to announce that the Howard Stillman Bates Foundation has awarded us funding to help create safer conditions at bike path crossings. Mr. Bates was a life-long bicyclist who loved the fun, freedom and health benefits of bike riding as much as he loved Mattapoisett. These days, for the greater good of all on the road, we all need to be responsible road users, and this gift will help.
We understand that Selectmen will be hearing a report about road and intersection safety at their regularly scheduled meeting on August 16. We hope that residents concerned about road safety in every neighborhood will attend the meeting.
Meanwhile, consider this when driving in your neighborhood: for a one-mile trip, driving 25 miles an hour (mph) costs you less than a minute in time compared to 40 mph. Twenty-five mph also creates measurably safer conditions for bikes and pedestrians. Bikers and walkers: stay aware and when it is safe to do so, please use courtesy and common sense to create safe passing conditions for motorists sharing the road.
Regarding bike path progress: An anonymous donation will fund a cost estimate and concept design for connecting Industrial Drive to the future Marion Pathway. The Friend’s intention is to see if a locally funded paved connection to Marion is possible in 2019 when Marion is scheduled to build their path. Stay tuned on Phase 1B (Neck Road to Depot Street); we are hoping for the smoothest process possible and a 2018 construction start.
Bonne DeSousa,
President, Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path
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