To the Editor:
The town of Marion is about to suffer a significant loss with the resignation of Elizabeth O’Neill as Director of the Elizabeth Taber Library.
As a weekly “customer” of the library for more than sixty years, I can attest to the outstanding friendliness of the staff and general competency of the facility under “Libby’s” direction. In addition to the many innovative programs that she has established, “Libby” has spearheaded the cooperative community involvement that currently exists between the library and other local organizations – Marion Historical Society, the local schools, Marion Art Center, Marion Council on Aging, and others. The educational and cultural climate of Marion has profited greatly from this cooperative effort.
With her quick smile and gentle manner, “Libby” has achieved her goal to make the library “a welcoming, helpful and friendly space” where patrons “can really enjoy the programs and services that are offered.”
I wish the Library Board good luck in their search for a new Director – Elizabeth O’Neill will be very difficult to replace and sorely missed.
Joanne G. Mahoney, Marion
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