To the Editor:
People of Mattapoisett, be aware. Be very aware. Change is happening, as it well should and must. Executive Order #525 has been sent to all of the towns and cities and requires us to have a plan for the town that “has merit.” It doesn’t tell us how to zone our town or what to build and where to build it. It just requires that the plan have merit. Who defines “merit”?
The Planning Board recently met with Grant King of SPREDD to discuss possibilities for utilization of areas in the town. Karen Field asked a good question of “How do we maintain the village atmosphere of this town?” I agree. I know that we must have change, but I don’t want to see transformation of our town.
Now is the time to act and help design and protect this town to help keep it the place that we all love. Don’t let others do your work. Go to the meetings and give your input. Don’t look back 10 years from now and wonder why the town has gone in a direction that you didn’t want to see. Go to the meetings. Protect what you have.
Paul Osenkowski
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