I would like to thank the local cultural councils of Mattapoisett, Rochester and Marion for their generous support in bringing the Bay Colony Shakespeare Company to the Old Rochester Regional High School on October 17.
Two shows were performed, back to back, of Macbeth, in the high school auditorium. The first show was for Freshmen and Sophomores and the second show was for the Juniors and Seniors. Macbeth is part of the junior year curriculum, so it was very pertinent for the students to be able to see this performed, whether they have already read it, are reading it now, or will be reading it in the near future.
The arts play a major part in education, and the members of the Friends of Old Rochester Drama, Inc. appreciate the support it receives from the local cultural councils as well as the Tri-Town citizens.
Lisa Cardoza
President, Friends of Old Rochester Drama, Inc.