To The Editor:
I would like to thank all the parents who participated and contributed towards the Staff Appreciation Luncheon for the ORR Junior and Senior High School. Thank you to all the parents who contributed their time in setting up, serving and cleanup; without their help the event would not have been possible. Thank you to all the parents who sent food – it was all delicious and there was plenty of variety.
Thanks to the parents who made phone calls coordinating the monetary and food donations, and work crew for the day. To the parents who contributed money for the event, it was well spent on paper products, decorations, beverages, and plants for the table (which were distributed to the staff). With the generous donations, I was able to order food from local businesses. There was plenty of food and we were able to distribute leftover drinks and food to the teachers’ lounge.
I also would like to pass on the numerous “thank you” comments we received from the teachers and staff. I estimate was served over 150 staff members; all of whom commented on the delicious food, yummy desserts, and how much they appreciate and look forward to this luncheon every year.
This has been my 6th year participating with this event and every year I am always in awe with the generosity and support of the parent community. Once again, thank you for the support and participation for the event.
Judy Belliveau