To the Editor:
It is critical that Mattapoisett voters understand the FY23 Mattapoisett Elementary Schools Budget that has been recommended by the Mattapoisett School Committee, which represents a modest increase for next school year. The proposal is a level-service budget that aims to maintain the current resources and does not include recommendations for any new positions or programming.
If the proposed budget is not approved at Town Meeting on May 9th, the School Department will have no choice but to layoff teachers and support staff to balance the budget. As a result, our class sizes could increase, electives (i.e. art, music, technology) may become more limited, and special education and student service supports would be negatively impacted.
The recent vote held by the Mattapoisett Finance Committee to not support the proposed budget is not only disappointing, but disheartening.
The Mattapoisett School Committee facilitates a thorough budget development process open to the general public and involves ongoing communication with the Town Administrator, Finance Committee, and Select Board. Four Budget Sub-Committee meetings were held in accordance with open meeting laws leading to the Public Budget Hearing that was held on April 4. The School Department met with the Finance Committee and Select Board to discuss the proposed budget, hear feedback, and answer questions. Throughout the process, documentation was shared including a line-item budget, class-size data, etc. These efforts are made to collaborate and ensure the process is comprehensive and transparent not only to town officials but the community at large.
The Mattapoisett School Committee wishes to address certain topics discussed at recent Finance Committee meetings. First, no school administrator’s salary increase has been determined for FY23, and no school administrator received more than a 3% salary increase in FY22. Second, the building administration will remain a two-person team with one school administrator overseeing the day-to-day operations at Center and Old Hammondtown schools. Lastly, the current number of school-choice students enrolled in Mattapoisett Elementary Schools does not impact the number of teachers needed, nor does it influence current staffing needs at Center or Old Hammondtown but does generate additional revenue per state reimbursement rates.
We urge Mattapoisett voters to prevent staffing cuts and reduction of programming by supporting the school budget at the May 9 Town Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Rochester Regional High School Auditorium.
Karin Barrows
Carole Clifford
Tiffini Reedy
Vice Chairperson Carly Lavin
Chairperson James Muse
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