Elizabeth A. “Betsy” (Callaghan) Barclay, 74, of Mattapoisett died Wednesday, July 19, 2023 peacefully at home, surrounded by her family. She was the wife of the late David W. Barclay.
Born in New Bedford, daughter of the late Joseph and Sheila (McKoan) Callaghan, she was raised in New Bedford and lived in Fairhaven for many years before moving to Mattapoisett.
She was formerly employed as a teacher’s aide at LeRoy L. Wood Elementary School in Fairhaven.
Betsy enjoyed gardening, starting (and sometimes finishing) projects, wintering in Florida with Dave, being on the water, and spending time with her grandchildren.
Survivors include her daughter, Meghan C. Barclay of Fairhaven; her son, Christopher D. Barclay and his wife Laura of Mattapoisett; three grandchildren, Jackson, Riley, and Ella Barclay; her brother, Peter Callaghan; three sisters, Sheila Couto, Angela Kruger, and Cathleen King; and many nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by her siblings, Joseph T. Callaghan, Jr., Edward Callaghan, Michael Callaghan, and John Patrick Callaghan.
Her Memorial Service will be held on Friday, July 28, 2023 at 10 am in the Saunders-Dwyer Mattapoisett Home for Funerals, 50 County Rd., Mattapoisett. Visiting hours will be held on Thursday from 4-7 pm. For directions and guestbook, please visit www.saundersdwyer.com.