A new home to be built on Bay View Avenue was approved by the Mattapoisett Board of Appeals at their Thursday evening meeting on August 16. The vacant lot, owned by Brian Zajac of Mashpee is 21,150 square feet with 180 feet of frontage. The applicants and proposed purchasers of the property are Peter and Melissa Davies of Tenafly, NJ. The Davies’ attended the meeting along with Doug Schneider of Schneider Engineering.
The Davies’ requested a Special Permit under Section 6.2.2 of the Zoning By-Laws to construct a single family dwelling on a non-conforming lot and use the pre 1973 zoning setbacks in the construction of the new dwelling.
“They (Davies) want to build and join us in beautiful Mattapoisett,” said Schneider, who presented an aerial view of the property, with homes around the lot being around the same size as the one proposed by the applicants.
According to Schneider, the new home will conform to current setback requirements, with a 35 foot setback from the street, 30 feet from the rear and 20 feet from each side.
“Town sewer is coming to the area now,” said Schneider. The Davies plan to dig a well.
The board voted to approve the proposal. “I feel it is compatible with the size and density of homes in the area,” said board member Norman Lyonnais.
The board also discussed an application on behalf of the Estate of Margaret Rochette regarding property located at 4 Wildwood Terrace. The applicant wanted a Special Permit to address an easement on a non-conforming lot.
At issue is one lot, with a ranch home built in 1972 with an old gravel pit located just behind it with an easement granted to the neighbor. The owner of the lot, Estate of Margaret Rochette and the adjacent lot owner, Bruce Rocha are mother and son.
Realtor Sue Healy of Conway Realty spoke and said that the property is for sale and that two offers came in on the property, but the easement issue made them both back out of the deal. “There is a discomfort with the easement issue on the adjoining property,” said Healy.
The board voted to issue a Special Permit to create one lot, with the easement dissolving and creating one lot.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry