ZBA Has Temporary Support

            The July 11 meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals featured the news that its administrative assistant, Andreia Lacerda, is also the new executive assistant to the town administrator and the Select Board.

            Lacerda started at her new job on July 5, replacing long-time Select Board administrative assistant Amanda Baptiste who resigned on June 21. Lacerda told the Zoning panel members that the Select Board is letting her work both her new position and assisting the ZBA “for now” despite the heavier workload. “We’ll see how it goes,” she said.

            The ZBA’s next significant personnel news came when it recommended elevating associate member Jeffrey Costa to full member for a five-year term. Board member Richard Cutler agreed, seeing it as an appropriate move as Costa has been its longest-serving associate member. ZBA Chairman David Arancio noted this is a recommendation that must be approved by the Select Board.

            Costa will be replacing retired ZBA member Thomas Flynn, whom the board awarded a certificate of thanks for his 13 years of service to the board on July 11. The board also welcomed new associate member Dennis McCarthy.

            In other action, the board continued its Use Variance hearing for a project at 48 Pierce Street until its next (August 8) meeting after alerting applicant Nicholas Carnazza that he may have sought the wrong type of permit.

            The request is to allow an accessory dwelling, an in-law apartment, above the attached garage of the home at that address. Carnazza explained he is looking to take care of his father after the passing of his mother by having him live in the apartment.

            Cutler said the application should be for a Special Permit instead because a Use Variance needs a lot more proof to gain board approval. “The burden on you is to meet three requirements,” Arancio said, “three hardships.”

            Specifically, the conditions to be met are: a unique circumstance, shape or character of the site; that a substantial hardship would be borne by the applicant with a denial and that the plan would not be detrimental to the public good.

            Carnazza, clearly frustrated, said he is new to doing something like this and his application picked Use Variance on the advice of the building commissioner. Cutler suggested Carnazza withdraw his application “without prejudice” and reapply under the correction section of town’s zoning bylaw.

            Carnazza followed member Donald Spirlet’s advice to request the continuance to give him time to rethink his plans.

            The Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals’ next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, August 8, at 7:15 pm at Town Hall, 1 Constitution Way.

Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals

By Michael J. DeCicco

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