The Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals voted on January 14 to permit Plumb Corner, LLC to display a temporary sign bigger than what the bylaw allows, but not quite as big as the developer had hoped.
The original request was for an 8- by 4- foot sign, exceeding the bylaw’s 9 square-foot maximum by 23 square feet, but the developer settled on an 18 square-foot, 6- by 3-foot sign displaying the realtor’s name, contact info, rendering of a sample unit, and layout of the 55+ residential development. The sign will be 17 feet from the road next to the proposed entrance, up Rounseville Road from the Town Hall facing some woods.
ZBA member Richard Cutler recused himself from the agenda item, but he spoke on behalf of the First Congregational Church of Rochester. He said the matter would have to go before the Rochester Historic District Commission, which Town Counsel Blair Bailey confirmed.
The size wasn’t an issue for ZBA member Davis Sullivan, who said, “It doesn’t seem unreasonable.” However, Cutler maintained that the sign was “out of place for that area,” then added, “But it’s the ZBA’s decision.”
ZBA member Kirby Gilmore wondered how much of a reduction in size the developer might accept, which was ultimately an 18 square-foot sign.
“I like that, okay,” said Gilmore.
Arancio still thought the sign would be “a little out of place with size,” while Davis considered it “a good compromise.”
The special permit for the oversized sign was approved, but the board placed conditions on approval, such as no other realty signs may be displayed at the site, the size is limited to 3 by 6 feet, and the sign must be removed by March 1, 2024, with final approval pending Historic District Commission approval.
The vote was unanimous, 5-0.
The next meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled for January 28 at 7:00 pm.
Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals
By Jean Perry